Rocks Pajaros, SA-100

Publié le par RADIO CLUB A.C.R.A FG5KC

Rocks Pajaros, SA-100

CE1 / IT9YRE & CE1 / I1SNW

NOUVELLES MISE À JOUR - prochaine tentative aura lieu probablement dans les premiers mois de 2017 ... avec la participation de certains Chiliens OM. Voici une courte vidéo de ce que Nando et Claudio rencontrées au cours de leur première tentative d'atterrissage sur Rocks Pajaros.

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Your home will shine following your cleaning team is completed with their particular job. They should be able to keep it like that with an everyday cleaning system too. They could pick up stuff is lying down around. They could also have the dishes and also laundry completed. Counters will probably be wiped straight down and floors will probably be vacuumed.